发布日期: 2022/10/26  投稿: 卫军朝    部门:    浏览次数:   











2011/11-2020/07, 香港大学,香港大学建筑学院建筑文物保护专业。建筑文物保护实验室主任;博士后;名誉助理教授。

2018/07-2019/10, 格桑文研-保护顾问公司为建筑保护及壁画保护修复提供顾问建议;总监

2010/03- 2010/07, 瑞士行政区划,文物及古建筑保护办工室,利斯塔尔,瑞士 ;保护修复者

2007/01- 2009/05, Buess AG,瑞士古迹保护公司 ,瑞士盖特金登;保护修复者

2006-2009夏季, 瑞士贝奇基金会,壁画保护项目;中国西藏阿里地区托林寺保护维修项目

1999/02 -2002/08, Werkstätten Wiegerling 盖萨(巴特特尔茨),德国;壁画保护实习


H. Lin, F.Y. Liu, S.D.N. Lourenço, G. Schwantes, S. Trumpf, D. Holohan, C.T.S. Beckett. Stabilization of an earthen material with Tung oil: compaction, strength and hydrophobic enhancement. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 290, 2021, 123213, ISSN 0950-0618,

Schwantes, Gesa and Alison Trachet. Differentiation between Iron-II-Sulfate (Copperas) Staining and Ochre Pigmented Finishes on Lime Plaster. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. Published online:23 Nov 2020,

Schwantes, Gesa and Shi Bing DAI. Research on water free injection grouts using sieved soil and micro-lime. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. Vol.11, Iss. 7/2017


与香港大学的建筑保护实验室 (ACLab) 的实践项目(做调查,分析和建议未来保护和发展方案,设计技术措施):

Paint finishes investigation and analysis for St. Pauls Catholic Primary School in Happy Valley, Hong Kong; Client: Able Engineers Ltd., 8.7万元, 2019/02

Paint and mortar sample analysis for the Green Island Light House Compound, Green Island Hong Kong; Client: Purcell Asia Ltd., 12万元, 2018/ 08

Paint and plaster finish investigation and preliminary analysis at the Pun Uk Mansion in Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong; Client: China Point Ltd., 8万元, 2018/02

XRF analysis of the bronze alloy A Grain of Rice sculpture at HSBC Headquarters, Central, Hong Kong.

Preparation of its conservation by Roger Griffith, Museum of Modern Art, New York USA;  Client: Jones Lang Lasalle, Facility Management HSBC, 2万元, 2018/04

Paint and plaster finishes analysis at the Old Central Government Offices, West Wing, Hong Kong; Client: Gammon Construction Ltd. Hong Kong and Purcell Miller Tritton HK Branch; 7万元, 2017/09


“Research on water-free lime-mud grouts for larger cavity filling (>20 mm) to stabilize earthen cultural heritage”; Project No: 52150410404, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 400,000RMB, 2021/12, PI: Gesa Schwantes

奖项:2016年:联合国教科文组织亚太区文物古迹保护奖荣誉奖:“贵州文化及自然遗产保护 - 中国贵州三门塘廖氏祠堂保存及翻新项目”的保护项目“

2018获得 «何耀棣体验学习基金»奖 和香港大学社区交流大奖 (一共13.5万港币)建筑文物保护修复实地调研教学