
发布日期: 2022/10/26  投稿: 卫军朝    部门:    浏览次数:   







 本人自2015年起从事石质文物加固保护材料的相关研究工作。2019-2020年,获得国家留学基金委奖学金资助前往德国国立博物馆 Rathgen 研究所进修一年,从事硫酸钠结晶生长行为及保护材料对晶体生长影响的研究。相关的研究工作在《Journal of Cultural Heritage》、《Progress in Organic Coatings》、《RSC Advances》和《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》等国际顶尖文化遗产保护和相关材料领域学术期刊发表。博士期间,作为骨干成员参与 973 项目、国家自然基金面上项目、国家重点研究和发展项目等多项石质文物保护材料研究。博士后在站期间,研究方向为碳酸钙前驱体诱导增强石灰基灌浆材料及其形核生长机制研究,并作为国家重点研发计划“砂岩质石窟岩体裂隙渗流精细探测与防治关键技术”子课题“潮湿环境砂岩质石窟岩体裂隙灌浆新材料研究”骨干研究成员,从事表面封堵用灌浆新材料的制备合成和胶凝材料适用性及效果评估相关的研究工作。


2015.9-2021.3 西安交通大学 材料科学与工程 工学博士

2011.9-2015.6 新疆大学  化学  理学学士


2021.5-至今  伟德官网链接  博士后


1、Jia Mengjun, He Ling*, Pan Aizhao, Ma Xiaoqin, Huang Shengying, Stefan Simon. Silica-based hybrids for adhesive coatings and their anti-salt damage in the protection of ancient sandstone[J]. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2021, 151 (2021): 106037.

2、Jia Mengjun, He Ling*, Liang Junyan, Aizhao Pan, Lingru Zhao, Stefan Simon. Dispersant effect on coatings of POSS-based poly methylmethacrylate hybrids and their protective performance to sandstones[J]. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2019, 132 (2019): 388-398.

3、Jia Mengjun, Liang Junyan, He Ling*, Zhao Xiang, Stefan Simon. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic SiO2-based hybrids in the protection of sandstone for anti-salt damage[J]. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2019, 40 (2019): 80-91.

4、Jia Mengjun and He Ling*. The implication from the Na2SO4 crystallization behaviors on Dafosi sandstones during salt-loaded hygrothermal aging cycles [C]. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Germany, 2020, 407-412.

5、Hu Pingan, Jia Mengjun, Zuo Yanyan and He Ling*. A silica/PVA adhesive hybrid material with high transparency, thermostability and mechanical strength[J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7 (5):2450-2459.

6、 Ma Yanli, He Ling*, Jia Mengjun, Zhao Lingru, Zuo Yanyan and Hu Pingan. Cage and linear structured polysiloxane/epoxy hybrids for coatings: Surface property and film permeability[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 500 (2017): 349-357. 7、Pan Aizhao, Wang Jianli, Jurow Mattew J., Jia Mengjun, Liu Ya, Wu Youshen, Zhang Yanfeng, He Ling* and Liu Yi*. General strategy for the preparation of stable luminous nanocomposite inks using chemically addressable CsPbX3 peroskite nanocrystals[J]. Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30 (8):

2771-2780. 8、Pan Aizhao*, Ma Xiaoqin, Huang Shengying, Wu Youshen, Jia Mengjun, Shi Yeming, Liu ya, Wangyang Peihua, He Ling and Liu Yi. CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystal grown on MXene

nanosheets for enhanced photoelectric detection and photocatalytic CO2 reduction[J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10 (21): 6590-6597.

9、Pan Aizhao, Jurow Mattew J., Wu Youshen, Jia Mengjun, Zheng Fuyin, Zhang Yanfeng, He Ling* and Liu Yi*. Highly stable luminous “Snakes” from CsPbX3 perovskite nanocrystals anchored on amine-coated silica nanowires[J]. ACS Appllied Nano Materials, 2019, 2 (1): 258-266.

10、Zhao Lingru, He Ling, Liang Junyan*, Chen Ying, Jia Mengjun and Huang Jizhong. Facile preparation of a slippery oil-infused polymer surface for robust icephobicity[J]. Progress in Organic

Coatings, 2020, 148 (2020): 105849.

11、Zhou Yajie, Pan Aizhao*, Shi Chengyu, Ma Xiaoqin, Jia Mengjun, Huang Hai, Ren Dazhong and He Ling*. Superhydrophobic luminous nanocomposites from CsPbX3 perovskite nanocrystals encapsulated in organosilica[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 515 (2020): 146004.


(1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 51873173, 硅基环氧化聚合物组装Janus粒子增强涂层表面双疏与界面作用的研究, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 60万元, 在研, 参与

(2)中华人民共和国科学技术部, 重大自然灾害监测预警与防范重点专项, 2021YFC1523403, 潮湿环境砂岩质石窟岩体裂隙灌浆新材料研究, 2021-11 至 2024-10, 177.81万元, 在研, 参与


和玲,梁军艳,赵翔,王娜,容波,兰德省,王亮,潘爱钊,黄宏普,马艳丽,胡平安,贾孟军. 中国古代彩绘的指纹识别及有机/无机杂化材料保护关键技术和应用,科学技术进步奖二等奖,教育部,2018.